The men in my life say and do some pretty funny stuff. I figured as a good mom & wife, I should take note of these conversations…
{after unlocking the car via remote key}
“I’m glad those keys work,” Alan said.
{looking confused}
“I went swimming with them yesterday.”
{after giving Aidan tylenol to try offsetting the horrible situation that is three teeth, including two molars, all coming in at once. and of course, per usual toddler antics, 97.5% of said tylenol went into his mouth and was then spit-dribbled out of his mouth onto his chin.}
“Maybe it absorbs through the skin,” he said.
{in case you’re curious, that’s not how it works}
{while awkwardly holding Aidan so that I could snap the buttons on a onesie}
“It kinda looks like we’ve never taken care of a kid before,” he said.
Too funny!! I love the one about the keys!