Every year – well, nearly every year – we head to the mountains of Virginia for a little getaway. We stay in a garden style hotel where our space is nothing more than tiny. A bedroom, oversized bathroom, plus a living room/eating nook/kitchen. I would estimate the square footage at about 500. Maybe.
And yet, would you believe me if I told you that I look forward to being in this tiny space every year?
We are careful with what we pack. Just the necessary clothes, a few games, and knitting for me. We hit the pool, roam around the local college, and cook all our meals in a postage stamp of a kitchen. In fact, the kitchen has no oven but we manage to make it work.
And I love it.
I love it because tidying the space takes all of five minutes. I love it because I am reminded – thoroughly – of how little we need. I love it because less is more and this is proof.
Which all leads me to my one little word. I sometimes choose a word for the year. I’ll write it down and let it guide me in small ways during the year. This year is different.
Instead of selecting a word which ultimately only provides a small amount of guidance in my year, this year I’d like to make it front and center. This is a word that I have already mentioned on Instagram. (In my story highlights, I have a video about 2019 goal setting and my personal goals.) That single word is: contentment.
Over the last few months I have made changes in our home and most importantly to our finances. I started focusing on contentment before I ever realized it was something I was doing. And now I plan to dive more fully into it. I have seen the success of it in my wardrobe and now I’m ready to let it blossom into more parts of my life.